Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dave's IPA

It's done. Bottled. Secondary fermentation.

It's weighed in at a healthy 7.0% ABV and is tasting nice and hoppy. If anything, going by the taste immediately after fermentation it is lacking a little bit of body so I will change the malt structure the next time that I do another IPA.

I'll use different hops too, so really it will be totally different.

Why don't I wait to sample it properly after the secondary fermentation to make my judgement? That's a fair question. Maybe I'll sit tight. You've convinced me.

I want to make another IPA straight away to tinker with the recipe, but I also have a number of other styles that I am dying to try making. Isn't there an easy solution? Not immediately. Get another fermenter? Get two more fermenters?

This has been considered. Carefully. I don't know if I can justify it yet, but it's definitely something that will be thought over. Maybe thought of over a couple of the IPA's.

In summary, I'm pretty happy so far with how this has turned out.

You'll be kept up to date with a sample after some time.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dave's Pale Ale

First sample!

The pleasantly mediocre Pale Ale
Let's not get excited about it, this was a pure packet pale ale. No ground breaking ideas, and no hops! No hops for goodness sake!

I don't know what I was thinking.

Anyway, we'll put that elementary error behind us for now. The ale is only two weeks in the bottle but it seems like a reasonable time to give it a spin to make sure it isn't poisonous or spoiled or anything toxic like that.

I'm alive enough to complete this post. Let's consider this the first victory along the way.

Quite drinkable though (not overly aromatic or bitter due the absence of hops. I thought we were going to to drop the whole hop debacle? Forget it.) with a clean flavour and light body. With the low ABV and inoffensive flavour it's fairly sessionable but I would want to have something else there for taste.

Let's give it a month or so and see how it matures.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Dave's IPA

Now we're getting somewhere.

This one is going to be more interesting. Whether or not it's any good will remain to be seen, but due to the modifications made I am sure it will be more interesting.

What's the change? Hops, my friends. Hops. Well, there are some other changes. Twice the malt as well, some grain. But it's the hops that will really separate this from the last.

Hops in the wort, dry hopping. It's turned up to eleven, man.

This batch will also be much stronger than the Pale Ale. Judging by the Original Gravity reading this brew should be around 6.8-7.5% ABV.

Rock 'n Roll, son. (and daughter, I guess)

You will be informed upon first sample.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dave's Pale Ale

Next update to the pale ale brew, I know you've all been on tenterhooks waiting to hear.

So far so good. Just bottled the lot and they are on the second fermentation.
I sampled one as it was being bottled and it didn't kill me instantly, which I took as a very promising sign. Straight out of the fermenter it tastes fairly decent so after some maturation I think it might be half decent.

By this time, however, I plan to have much more interesting beers in the works so these will likely be a little bit unimpressive.

Stay tuned. If you want, that is.

Otherwise forget it.

Dave's Pale Ale

Fingers are crossed. 

The first of 2011 is on it's way.

Much less exciting than anything written about so far, my personal home brew is underway. 

Interesting for you? No, I didn't think so. 

Nevertheless, for those that have some interest (and for me to keep a bit of a record) I will keep some updates about the progress of this, and subsequent brews that I attempt. My current aim is to try and work on a nice, hoppy IPA. 

So the IPA is on it's way? No it's not. The first brew of the year will be a stock standard Pale Ale, mainly for me to blow out the cobwebs and get used to the new equipment. Perhaps I'll tweak the Pale Ale after the first brew to see how I can modify it. I haven't really decided yet. 

Currently bubbling away during fermentation, I'll update at the first sample and see how it goes.